"The list is the origin of culture" was once said or written by Umberto Ecco. So I don't feel quite as bad anymore when I think that I actually started my blog because I saw it as a perfect way to publish lists, fling them into the universe for everybody to know what I like (kids, especially the two girls I share my life with, my garden, the humming of bees in the meadow, cherries, The United States of America, Richmond/Virginia, sushi, journals, books, swimming, lakes, the ocean, movies) or things I don't like (stress, pain, people who want to convince me to do things I already know I don't like, toothache, reading glasses, fanatics, television, coca cola, fascists). Lists of favourite movies, favourite books, favourite places, favourite music.....I can post them and enjoy that so many people like to check them out. I feel I inspire others like they inspire me when I read their lists. I do not just love to write down lists, I am also excited to read those of oth...
Lobedentag. Das war als, auch, Programm gemeint, für ihr ganzes Leben. Lobe den Tag, verdammt nochmal. Und zwar nicht erst am Abend, sondern ständig, zu jeder vollen und halben Stunde. Finde Gründe, den Tag zu loben und höre damit nie wieder auf. Create random acts of kindness and closeness, zu jeder vollen und halben Stunde. Lass das die Art sein, wie Du den Tag lobst. Der Blog als Reisebeschreibung Verschlüsselt natürlich.