it is raining now and summer is over wet is the meadow beneath my feet sadness fills the air, is the air, a tear is a raindrop, fall is always a goodbye seldom a hello! could I open my heart, look there – a single cloud covering my entire sky, could I open my heart without pain, I would do it, I swear. I never wanted an umbrella, stupid me, the sun so fraudulent, smitten was I and took it as a promise for forever. I should though have gotten that raincoat, you always said it would rain one day. open your heart, the meadow wet beneath my feet, a single cloud covering my everything, no sky my naked feet vanishing in the grass drunken with tears © Susanne Becker
Lobedentag. Das war als, auch, Programm gemeint, für ihr ganzes Leben. Lobe den Tag, verdammt nochmal. Und zwar nicht erst am Abend, sondern ständig, zu jeder vollen und halben Stunde. Finde Gründe, den Tag zu loben und höre damit nie wieder auf. Create random acts of kindness and closeness, zu jeder vollen und halben Stunde. Lass das die Art sein, wie Du den Tag lobst. Der Blog als Reisebeschreibung Verschlüsselt natürlich.