"In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you." Buddha ca. 1960 In the end, it comes down to a box of photos, your favourite rings, (I remember you, wearing them, when I was little) our old kitchen table, where you and Dad, I imagine, had coffee, now and then, before I was born. (what I remember are the endless fights) In the end, it comes down to going through your stuff – all of it – through all your drawers, cabinets, wardrobes, closets, your garage, your basement, the second basement, your cupboards – I never realized , we collect – (What is going to happen with it, after we have left? Is this supposed to be my lesson in impermanence?) what to keep, what to throw away. (Every piece, we threw away, hurt) To give things away to people, who knew you, who were happy with your stuff, felt really good! To hear my...
Lobedentag. Das war als, auch, Programm gemeint, für ihr ganzes Leben. Lobe den Tag, verdammt nochmal. Und zwar nicht erst am Abend, sondern ständig, zu jeder vollen und halben Stunde. Finde Gründe, den Tag zu loben und höre damit nie wieder auf. Create random acts of kindness and closeness, zu jeder vollen und halben Stunde. Lass das die Art sein, wie Du den Tag lobst. Der Blog als Reisebeschreibung Verschlüsselt natürlich.