This is a text, which was first published on Valley Haggards page Life in 10 Minuntes . A great page from a great writer and I always feel proud, when she chooses to publish one of my pieces. The text is about one year old, so dating back to April of 2017, but funny enough, it still is totally true. I am even less moody 😘 What is sacred? I read this headline today. It was the title of an inspiring piece of writing by Linda Laino , a wonderful artist and mutual friend of me and my friends from Richmond. It got me thinking. What is sacred, for me? Deep down, I always knew, that the sacred was everywhere, that it was the underground of human life, of my life in particular. Still, it was difficult for me to reach. At times, I felt, nothing was sacred. And I wasn’t even depressed, at least not diagnosed, ever. I was very moody, though. I accepted it. My moodiness and the impossibility to reach the sacred. When I first came to Richmond, I joined a poetry group, which was one o...
Lobedentag. Das war als, auch, Programm gemeint, für ihr ganzes Leben. Lobe den Tag, verdammt nochmal. Und zwar nicht erst am Abend, sondern ständig, zu jeder vollen und halben Stunde. Finde Gründe, den Tag zu loben und höre damit nie wieder auf. Create random acts of kindness and closeness, zu jeder vollen und halben Stunde. Lass das die Art sein, wie Du den Tag lobst. Der Blog als Reisebeschreibung Verschlüsselt natürlich.